Subject: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP INFORMATION SESSIONS Description: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP INFORMATION SESSIONS – April 6 and April 7 ARE YOU PLANNING GRADUATE STUDIES TOWARD A PH.D. IN SCIENCE, MATH, ENGINEERING, OR SOCIAL/BEHAVIORAL SCIENCEs FIELDS? The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship is the largest and one of the most prestigious awards available to support graduate studies toward Ph.D.’s in science, math, engineering, and social/behavioral fields. The NSF award provides 3 years of support, with an annual stipend of $34,000. You can learn more about the NSF award at 108 MARYLAND SENIORS, RECENT ALUMNI, AND GRADUATE STUDENTS HAVE WON NSF GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS IN THE PAST 3 YEARS! IMPORTANT: There are significant eligibility changes for fall 2016 – learn about these by attending one of these National Scholarships Office information sessions listed below. These will help you use your summer to begin developing a highly effective NSF graduate fellowship application. Current undergraduates at all levels and recent alumni are welcome to attend, as are those who will be first or second year graduate students in Fall 2016. NSF Info Session 1: Wednesday, April 6 from 5 pm to 6 pm Microbiology Building (on Hornbake Plaza) – Room: 1207 RSVP to [log in to unmask] NSF Info Session 2: Thursday, April 7 from 5 pm to 6 pm Microbiology Building (on Hornbake Plaza) – Room: 1207 RSVP to [log in to unmask] Eligibility: You must be a US citizen or Permanent Resident to apply for the NSF graduate research fellowship. Deadlines to apply will be in late October 2016, for NSF GRFP awards . Planning early give you your best chance of success! If you are unable to attend either session please email us at: [log in to unmask] Francis DuVinage, Ph.D. Director, National Scholarships Office and Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research 2403 Marie Mount Hall University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Email:[log in to unmask] Phone: (301) 314-9458 Fax: (301) 314-0085 Contact Person: Francis DuVinage Contact Email: [log in to unmask]