Subject: Kinesiology Study Participant- Earn $20 Description: We are currently recruiting an active group for an exercise study in the Department of Kinesiology. To be eligible: Subjects must perform at least 150 minutes of moderate to high aerobic exercise per week, be right handed, be between the ages of 18-25, have a BMI within normal range (18.5-24.9), have no extensive or recent experience playing an instruments or participating in choreographed dance, and have no known neurological or motor impairments. Background: We are studying the effects of aerobic exercise on a “Whack-a-mole” finger tapping task. Requirements: Testing involves 2 visits to our lab. The first day will be a screening and fitness test and the second day is the experimental test, occurring 1-7 days after day one. During the first visit, we measure the subject’s weight, height, and heart rate. A cycle ergometer test is performed to determine what wattage elicits 60-70% of maximal heart. Day one will take no longer than 30 minutes. During the second visit, subjects will perform a 20 minute bout of cycling exercise or a 20 minute control condition. Subjects will then participate in the “Whack-a-mole” reaction time task which will be completed using a computer screen and keyboard. The entire visit should last approximately one hour. At the end of the second day, all subjects will receive $20. If interested in participating, please contact Jackie Weiss at [log in to unmask] or Brian Fanelli at [log in to unmask] for more information. Thanks so much! Event Location: School of Public Health Building Contact Person: Jackie Weiss Contact Email: [log in to unmask] Contact Phone Number: 301-448-8849