Subject: Participate in thinking & reasoning study for a chance to win!

The Laboratory for Thinking, Reasoning, Creativity and Educational
Neuroscience is looking for undergraduate students to study how people think
and reason.The study will take only 20-30 minutes. As compensation, you will
be entered into a lottery to win one of two $50 Amazon Gift Cards, or one of
four $20 gift cards to local restaurants.

The study can be done ONLINE on any computer connected to the Internet.
If you would like to participate online, please follow this link:

Instead, if you are interested in coming into our lab in Benjamin Building to
complete this study, please contact Lydie or Nicole at [log in to unmask]

*Please note if you have previously participated in any of our studies, you
will not be eligible to participate.

Contact Person: Lydie and Nicole
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Website URL: http://