Hello All,
I hope your semester had been going well so far. I know how hectic the begining of the semester can be but I hope most of you will not be too busy to help out NOBCChE this coming Friday for Stampfest. It's suppose to last from 10am til midnight, but anytime you can spare during those hours would be great. If you are unable to help us man the table, then I am asking for your help in designing or setting up what information, goodies we will have on our table. What has worked (gotten your attention) for you at other tables you have visited during the first look fair or any similar event? Any ideas are good ideas, we just need to get the ball rolling.
Email me at [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] to let me know what hours you are available to work or your ideas for the set up.
In other news, for everyone who was unable to attend the Dr. Percy Julian lecture; as well as those who attended and enjoyed it so much, there will be a PBS special airing February 6, 2007.
I thank all of you for your time and effort. And I hope to hear back from you ASAP regarding Stampfest.
Nacheshia Pierce