The Laboratory for Product and Process Design at the Departments of Chemical Engineering & Bioengineering , University of Illinois at Chicago, seeks outstanding candidates for a position as a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Chemical Engineering) in research on integrated design and control, uncertainty analysis in chemical systems. Interested candidates with experience in robust control, model predictive control, dynamic optimization, uncertainty analysis, mathematic program, object-oriented programming and process synthesis are especially encouraged to apply. This study will involve dynamic simulation, synthesis of control schemes, mathematical programming and uncertainty. This NSF funded project will focus on the impact model uncertainty on design and control decisions in chemical process. The position is available immediately. The staff appointment including the University of Illinois benefits will be offered for a year initially. Initial salary will be commensurate with the qualification of the candidate (app. 33,000 - 38,000 US$). Please send applications including a curriculum vitae and a list of three references to: Prof. Andreas A. Linninger Laboratory for Product and Process Design Att: Dr. Libin Zhang Departments of Chemical Engineering & Bioengineering, M/C 063 851 S. Morgan St., SEO Room 218 Chicago, IL 60607 Tel: (312) 355-2520 Email: [log in to unmask] Homepage: