Research Job Opportunity


Required Background:  PhD in Chemical Engineering or Applied 



Research field: Process Systems Engineering (Optimization)


Job offer: Individual job contract for an initial period of 5 years, with a gross salary equivalent to an assistant researcher (approximately 42000 euro/year).


Brief job description: The researcher will join our research team that works in the broad area of Enterprise-wide Optimization (EWO): modeling, optimisation, integration and/or synchro­niza­tion of various firm’s production activities, including planning, scheduling, supply and distribution, by means of MILP/MINLP models, based on State/Resource-Task Network (S/RTN) formulations and possibly also meta-heuristics.


Full job description:

Check job reference: C2007-FCT/325/2006- Optimization -INETI – DMS


Web address:


Place of work: Lumiar Campus, Lisbon, Portugal


Application procedure:

Address your application to E-mail: [log in to unmask]

in a Word file or, preferably in a .pdf file format.

Please send also a CV (including names and addresses of referees) and a covering letter.


Application dead-line: 5th November 2007