Bend Research Inc., a growing contract research and development company grounded in materials science, engineering, and the development of pharmaceutical dosage forms, seeks a Process Systems Engineer / Controls Engineer who has an advanced-degree (M.S. or Ph.D.) in chemical or mechanical engineering with an emphasis in control systems. The successful candidate will participate in multidisciplinary teams that design and implement novel pharmaceutical process systems. Knowledge in dynamic modeling, system identification, and controller design is essential. Experience with MPC, latent variable modeling, Kalman filters, optimization, and automation hardware/software is desirable. Bend Research is located near Bend (population 75,000) in Central Oregon, the premier recreational area in the Northwest. Bend is a sunny High Desert community located on the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains near Mount Bachelor ski resort, world-class fly-fishing and golf, and many other amenities. Please visit our web site at for more information. Bend Research offers competitive salaries and benefits, as well as relocation assistance. Please send a cover letter, resume, and list of three professional references with phone numbers to Danielle Snook at Bend Research Inc. 64550 Research Road Bend, OR 97701 E-mail: [log in to unmask]