The Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, "Design for Energy and the Environment," edited by Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi and Andreas A. Linninger, is now available. The conference was held June 7-12 of this year in Breckenridge, Colorado. The printed volume may be ordered from CACHE (see contact information below). The cost is $40 plus postage. Postage within the U.S. is $5, Canada and Mexico is $26, and overseas is $40. Checks (in U.S. dollars and drawn on U.S. bank) and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX) are accepted. CACHE Corporation P.O. Box 7939 Austin, TX 78713-7939 TEL: 972-775-2815 FAX: 972-775-3051