The Second World Congress on Global Optimization in Engineering & Science  (WCGO-2011), July 3-7, 2011 Chania, Greece.

The second World Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO 2011) will be held in July 3-7, 2011 in Chania, Greece. A primary goal of this congress is to offer an international forum for researchers and practitioners in the field to exchange ideas and present original research work on the theory and applications of global optimization.

The six previous conferences on “Recent Advances in Global Optimization", “State-of-the-Art in Global Optimization", “Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology: Local and Global Approaches", “Frontiers In Global Optimization”, “Advances in Global Optimization”, and the First World Congress on Global Optimization took place at Princeton University in 1991, 1995, 1999,  in Santorini, Greece in 2003,  in Myconos, Greece in 2007, and Changsha, China in 2009, respectively.

Professor C.A. Floudas and Professor P.M. Pardalos

 Important Dates:

Abstract submission deadline:   January 15, 201

Acceptance notification:             January 31, 2011

Conference Starts:                      July 3, 2011

Conference Ends:                        July 7, 2011

Early Registration:           March 31, 2011 (the registration includes a one year subscription to the International Society of Global Optimization)

Early Registration Fee:   400 Euros  (Late Registration Fee:    450 Euros)

ConferenceThemes: The World Congress invites original contributions on all relevant topics related to Global Optimization in Engineering & Science, including, but not limited to: Biological Systems and Applications; Game Theory; Nonsmooth Optimization; Generalized Convexity; Optimal Control; Heuristic and/or Meta-Heuristic Methods; Polynomial Optimization; Variational Inequalities; DC programming; Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Mechanics; Exact Penalty Techniques and Error Bound Analysis; Nonlinear Programming; Reformulation Techniques; Canonical Duality; Machine Learning; Robust Optimization; Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints; Semi-definite and Semi-infinite Programming; Combinatorial/Integer Optimization; Monotonic Optimization; Shape Optimization; Complementarity Problems; Multi-level and Multi-objective Optimization; Statistical Learning; Concave Minimization Programming; Stochastic Optimization; Constraint Satisfaction; Nonconvex Quadratic Programming; Engineering and Industrial Applications; and Fuzzy Optimization and Soft Computing

Publications: Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Global Optimization.

Christodoulos A. Floudas
Stephen C. Macaleer '63 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science,
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, N.J. 08544-5263

Tel : 609-258-4595 (Office)
Fax : 609-258-0211 (Department)
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