Process Systems Enterprise (PSE) is pleased to announce the call for submissions for the 2011 PSE Model-Based Innovation (MBI) prize. PSE awards prizes totalling €5000 (EUR) for the best published papers in which the gPROMS advanced process modelling software is used to generate research results in a novel area of application or technology. There are three prizes: a winner's prize of €3000 (EUR) and two runners-up prizes of €1000 (EUR) each. The 2010 prize was won by Ala Eldin Bouaswaig and Sebastian Engell from the Process Dynamics and Operations Group at the Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany, with a paper published in Chemical Engineering Science on mathematical techniques for modelling of complex phenomena such as particle growth in emulsion polymerisation. PSE & gPROMS PSE is a pioneer in the emerging technology of Model-Based Innovation. Our gPROMS product is widely used in academic research, particularly in areas of novel technology, to provide quantification to support research results through the application of first-principles modelling. 2011 MBI prize If you used gPROMS in support of research published or to be published between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2011, you are encouraged to submit a paper for the 2011 prize. The research presented in the paper should make substantial use of gPROMS modelling in order to achieve the results described. The judges will favour novel applications or application in novel technology areas. The prize is open to applicants from industry as well as academia. All you need to do to be eligible for the prize is fill in the submission form at and send a copy of the published paper. You do not need to provide the full paper and publication details until the deadline, 15 July 2011. Submissions will be judged by the panel of three leading academics in the field of Process Systems Engineering: Professor Stratos Pistikopoulos (Imperial College London), Professor Rafiqul Gani (Technical University of Denmark) and Professor Michael Georgiadis (University of Western Macedonia, Greece). The prize will be awarded at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. More details on the prize, including guidelines for submission, can be found on the PSE website at, along with the rules, guidelines and terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please feel to ask the organising committee by emailing [log in to unmask] Kind regards, Kate Burness PSE Academic