This coming academic semester we’re hosting webinars from Brigham Young University on applications of optimization and advanced control. The presentations from last semester are posted online and include topics from:
Energy storage optimization of solar fields
Temperature control of friction stir welding
Virus and biological modeling
The free WebEx webinars are held approximately every two weeks. The objective is to highlight applications of optimization with dynamic systems including large-scale DAE modeling, parameter estimation, moving horizon estimation, and nonlinear
model predictive control. This coming semester the presentations include:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle control
Solid oxide fuel cell modeling and control
Optimization with Python scripting language
Iceberg position forecasting
Thermal oxidizer optimization
A full schedule and pre-registration information can be found on the APMonitor web-site.
Also, if you have a topic that would fit with this series, please let me know so that we can fit you into the presentation schedule for this or coming semesters.
Best regards,
John Hedengren
Assistant Professor
Brigham Young University
350 Clyde Building
Provo, UT 84602
E-mail: [log in to unmask]