Dear CAST Colleagues,

This is a reminder of the August 10 due date for CAST Graduate Travel
Grant/Presentation Award nominations for the 2013 AIChE meeting. 

For more information, please see
Noting that: (1) I am the 2013 travel grants chair and applications should
be submitted directly to me ([log in to unmask]); (2) the deadline, as noted
above, will be 8/10, rather than 8/1; (3) winners will be notified around
9/3/2013.  These changes will be posted to the webpage shortly.

I look forward to receiving nominations,

Robert S. Parker, Associate Professor
Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering; Swanson School of Engineering
U. Pitt. Cancer Inst., Molecular Therapeutics/Drug Discovery Prog.
1249 Benedum Hall; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA 15261
PH: (412) 624-7364 / FAX: (412) 624-9639 / Email: [log in to unmask]