The interdisciplinary Bioengineering program at Lehigh University has an 
opening at the tenure-track Assistant Professor level. We would 
appreciate it if you can bring this to the attention of potential 
candidates. A position description is attached.

Lehigh University will hold its reception on Wednesday, November 6 from
7-8:30 PM  at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Franciscan B room at the
Hilton San Francisco.   At least two members on the Bioengineering 
search committee will be available at the reception to discuss this 


Mayuresh Kothare
Mayuresh V. Kothare
R. L. McCann Professor and Chair
Department of Chemical Engineering
Bioengineering Program Affiliated Faculty
Lehigh University, B323/D322 Iacocca Hall
111 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, U.S.A.
Tel: (610) 758 6654; Fax: (610) 758 6245
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