Bhushan Gopaluni, Associate Professor at University of British Columbia,
will give a
Tutorial on Methods for State and Parameter Estimation. The webinar session will be held tomorrow, Tuesday
October 8, at 10 AM CDT.
Tutorial on Methods for State and Parameter Estimation
Webinar URL:
Password: apm2013
Additional information:
There is no pre-registration to participate but the session is limited to 25 participants.
Last session was almost full so please log-in about 5 minutes early if you’d like to secure a spot.
If you cannot join the session, it will be available later on the
Modeling and Optimization Symposium YouTube channel in the list of
recorded sessions.
Best Regards,
John Hedengren
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Brigham Young University
Tel. 801-477-7341
If you have trouble joining the WebEx, please follow these more detailed instructions:
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password:
4. Click "Join".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
6. There are options to connect to the audio either through the computer or through a teleconference number.