Dear colleagues, The organizers of FOCAPD 2014 have secured funds from the National Science Foundation and a number of industrial sponsors to support the participation of young researchers (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty). The travel grant funds will cover five (5) nights of lodging for postdocs and junior faculty, and graduate students at the conference hotel (Suncadia Resort) for the full FOCAPD 2014 conference. Applications are due no later than May 15, 2014. The award winners will be notified by June 1, 2014. Recipients of these travel awards are expected to stay for the entire conference (Sunday through Thursday night's banquet). All award recipients will have their housing arrangements made by Ms. Craven and she will contact you to explain the award procedure. Award recipients may have to share a room with other recipients. Applications are encouraged from all junior researchers planning to attend the FOCAPD conference. Application Procedure Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows need to submit the following as a single PDF file to the conference manager (Robin Craven, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>): 1. A brief nomination/recommendation letter written by your supervisor 2. Current curriculum vitae Junior faculty members need to submit a single PDF file to the conference manager (Robin Craven, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) containing: 1. Cover letter with the complete title of your contributed paper (if applicable) 2. Current curriculum vitae In either category, if you are presenting a poster in the contributed paper sessions, the complete title of your contributed paper and paper ID number should be included in your application. The updated conference brochure is attached here which includes the complete list of invited and contributed papers. We have an outstanding lineup of leading experts from around the world that will be presenting the latest developments and future challenges in the areas of computer-aided process and product design. For more information about the conference including registration/housing information, please visit<>. Please note that the early registration deadline is May 1, 2014. Please forward this information to any colleagues or collaborators who might be interested in participating in this exciting meeting. We apologize if anyone receives this email more than once. Sincerely, John Siirola, Gavin Towler, and Mario Eden FOCAPD 2014 Co-Chairs Dr. Mario Richard Eden, Ph.D. Department Chair Joe T. and Billie Carole McMillan Professor Director, NSF-IGERT on Integrated Biorefining Department of Chemical Engineering 210 Ross Hall Auburn University, AL 36849-5127 Phone: 334-844-2064 Fax: 334-844-2063 Cell: 334-329-8958 Email: [log in to unmask] Web: