Learn Another Language, Raise Bilingual Children

Christine Jernigan



Family Language Learning is a delight! It demystifies language learning through a mixture of family experiences, good common sense, and clearly reported second language acquisition research. In addition to supporting parents who want to bring up their children bilingually, it offers excellent language learning advice to anyone who wants to improve their own proficiency in a new language.

Elaine K. Horwitz, Director, Graduate Program in Foreign Language Education, The University of Texas at Austin, USA


Christine Jernigan strikes the right tone with her readers and keeps it straightforward, sharing a wealth of well-researched information in a lighthearted way. Family Language Learning is loaded with practical tips which add up to a complete game plan before you know it. An easy, enjoyable read that will make you feel like picking up a language and sharing it with your child.

Stéphanie Pellet, Wake Forest University, USA



Family Language Learning is a practical guide designed to support, advise and encourage any parents who are hoping to raise their children bilingually. It is unique in that it focuses on parents who are not native speakers of a foreign language.





How to Use This Book

1. There is a Free Lunch! Bilingual Benefits the Easy Way

2. Forget the Unicorn: Why “Non-Native” is Just Fine 

3. Start Small, Start Now: Choosing a Language and Moving Forward

4. Be Your Favorite Teacher: Learn What You Want, When You Want It

5. Many Methods: Flexible Approaches to Fit Your Lifestyle

6. Marketing Strategies: Finding New Ways to Increase Motivation

7. Talk Talk Talk: Strategies for When to Talk and What to Talk About

8. The Play’s the Thing: Fun and Simple Resources

9. Right to Read: Growing Kids' Independence Through Books

10. Delight to Write: Sharing Ways to Create and Tell

11. Plane Jane, Bus Gus: Finding Ways to Actually Go There

12. Meeting Challenges: Skillfully Riding the Ups and Downs

Parting Words


Author information

Christine Jernigan instructs foreign language teachers at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC and is a language coach for parents who want to raise bilingual children. She holds a PhD in foreign language education, and her main research interests include motivation, expectation and authenticity in the language classroom. She has contributed to the book Raising Children Bilingually in the US and to The Bilingual Family Newsletter. Her own children speak English and Portuguese. Visit her YouTube channel for videos on several of the chapter topics:


Parents' and Teachers' Guides                      January 2015  216pp

Hbk ISBN 9781783092802   £44.95 / US$59.95 / CAN$64.95 / €59.95

Pbk ISBN 9781783092796   £14.95 / US$19.95 / CAN$24.95 / €19.95

Ebook ISBN 9781783092826   £10 / US$15 / CAN$20 / €12.5


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