
i would like to post the text below to the CAST10 email list.

Best regards,
Sigurd Skogestad

Sigurd Skogestad, Professor                                                         Phone:  +47-73594154
Department of Chemical Engineering                                       Home:   +47-73902625
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU)        Mobile: +47-91371669
N-7491 Trondheim, Norway                                                         email: [log in to unmask]
Office: Sem Saelands vei 6, K4-211                                            http://www.nt.ntnu.no/users/skoge


Rudolf Kalman receives the Nordic Process Control Award

The Nordic Process Control Award is awarded for lasting and significant contributions to
the field of process control.  The 14th recipient of this award is Professor Rudolf Kalman
who received the award for his seminal contributions to all aspects of control systems theory.

The award winner was announced on January 15, 2015 during the 19th Nordic Process
Control Workshop held at the ship between Trondheim and Bodo in Norway.
Unfortunately, Professor Kalman could not be present in person, but a very nice video interview
with the award winner was shown.

The interview is available on youtube:

Previous winners of the Nordic Process Control Award:

1995: Howard H. Rosenbrock
1997: Karl Johan Åstrøm
1998: F. Greg Shinskey
2000: Jens G. Balchen
2001: Charles R. Cutler
2003: Roger W. Sargent
2004: Ernst Dieter Gilles
2006: Manfred Morari
2007: Jacques Richalet
2009: John MacGregor
2010: Graham C. Goodwin
2012: Lorenz T. Biegler
2013: James B. Rawlings

For more information on the Nordic Process Control Working group see here: