The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory has multiple new openings for researchers at all career levels (from postdoctoral associates to senior staff researchers and software developers). The openings span innovative
areas of computer science and applied mathematics, including novel algorithms, analysis techniques embodied in open-source software, data-intensive science, and emerging hardware architectures.
The following applied mathematics areas are of special interest:
* Nonlinear optimization, including mixed-integer, multiobjective, stochastic/robust, PDE-constrained, simulation-based, dynamics, derivative-free, and parallel/concurrent optimization
* Data assimilation and inverse problems
* High-order methods for PDEs/CFD, including spectral element methods
* Numerical linear algebra focusing on highly scalable preconditioners, including matrix-free methods
* Machine learning, data analysis, and applied statistics
* Numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations, including error estimators and adjoints
* Statistical inference and analysis, sampling, and spectral estimation
* Stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations
* Automatic/algorithmic differentiation
For more information and to apply (level commensurate with experience):
* Applied mathematics staff and postdoctoral researchers:
* Computer science and postdoctoral researchers:
* Software development specialists:
Openings are available immediately, but there is flexibility in start dates for highly qualified candidates.
You can find more information on focus areas at Argonne at .
Feel free to contact staff members directly by email with specific questions.
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