A four-day, eight-speaker American Summer School on Model Predictive
Control (MPC) has been organized by Sasa V. Rakovic, James B. Rawlings
and Ilya V.  Kolmanovsky.  The first American Summer School of MPC
will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from July 25, 2017
to July 28, 2017.

The American Summer School on MPC aims to enable up to 40 graduate
students (as well as interested researchers and control practitioners)
from a cross-cutting set of disciplines in engineering, science, and
applied mathematics to receive advanced education and training from
international experts in the theory, implementation and application of
MPC. The instructors comprise leading researchers from universities,
government laboratories, and industrial companies, and they have been
selected for their leading expertise in the different research areas,
as well as a diversity of backgrounds and disciplines in engineering,
science and applied mathematics.

The main topics of the summer school are:
- Introduction to MPC and MPC essentials (by William S. Levine).
- Classical MPC: regulation, estimation, and disturbance models (by 
James B.Rawlings).
- Robust MPC (by Sasa V. Rakovic).
- Stochastic MPC (by Ilya V. Kolmanovsky).
- Economic MPC (by David Angeli).
- MPC for sampled-data systems (by Fernando Fontes).
- Online optimization for MPC (by Lorenz T. Biegler).
- Industrial applications of MPC (by Thomas A. Badgwell).

The summer school delivers a carefully crafted overview of the
theoretical fundamentals of MPC, and it provides access to, and
motivates the development of, freely-available and state-of-the-art
numerical software for implementing the advanced MPC methods on
difficult and challenging examples and industrial applications. The
summer school also anticipates inclusionof class mini-projects that
enable all attendees to present, and discuss, problems of direct
interest to their research, and also to receive feedback from a set of
instructors with valuable expertise in all areas of MPC research.

Additional information, including a detailed summer school schedule
and registration information will be made available shortly at the
summer school website www.che.wisc.edu/mpc-summer-school

The organizers of the summer school are grateful to NSF for providing
financial support for up to 40 attending participants. Travel expenses
will be reimbursed up to $500 pending final approval of NSF funding. A
modest registration fee of $150 is also required for all
attendees. Registration will open on May 1, and is on a first-come,
first-served basis. Registration is capped at 40 students, so early
registration is encouraged.