Dear Colleagues:

The 7th Annual Eigenvector University Europe will be held in 
Montpellier, FRANCE, October 16-20. This year we’ve expanded 
it to five days. Monday through Wednesday we’ll do our basic 
chemometrics block. On Thursday and Friday we’ll have a choice 
of specialty topics running in parallel sessions. 

Here’s the schedule:

Monday through Wednesday, October 16-18
Linear Algebra for Chemometricians
Chemometrics I: Principal Components Analysis
Chemometrics II: Regression and Partial Least Squares
Variable Selection

Thursday, October 19
Non-linear Methods for Calibration and Classification or
Advanced Preprocessing for Spectroscopic Applications & Classical Least Squares (CLS) Methods

Friday, October 20
Hyperspectral/Multivariate Image Analysis or
Introduction to Multi-way Methods

Courses will be led by Neal B. Gallagher, Rasmus Bro and me. 
I’ve attached a flyer. Complete information can be found at:

Please write if you have questions.

Best regards....


Barry M. Wise, Ph.D.
Eigenvector Research, Inc.
196 Hyacinth Road
Manson, WA  98831

Phone: (509)662-9213
Fax: (509)662-9214
Email: [log in to unmask]