Call for Proposals to Organize PSE 2021
The 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018) is scheduled to take place in San Diego, July 1-5, 2018. The process for assembling the conference program is underway with abstracts due September 15, 2017. It is the practice for this conference series that the organization for the succeeding conference, in this case PSE 2021, be initiated during the year prior to the convening of the incumbent conference. The goal is to confirm the organizing team and venue of PSE 2021 so as to be able to announce it at the time of the PSE 2018 conference. Following the regular rotation of conference sites between the geographic zones Americas, Asia and Europe, the 2021 symposium should be held in the Asia/Pacific zone. The Executive Committee for PSE consisting of Professors Rafiqul Gani (DTU), Shinji Hasebe (Kyoto U), Iftekhar Karimi (NUS), Jiri Klemes (VUT Brno), Claudio Nascimento( U Sao Paulo) and Rex Reklaitis (Purdue U), chair, would like to extend an invitation to teams interested in organizing PSE 2021 to submit a preliminary proposal to any member of the Executive Committee for the first round of the selection process. The due date for submission of preliminary proposals is September 30, 2017. A preliminary proposal should include the identities and expertise of the conference leadership team, the sponsoring organization, potential funding sources, the venue and possible dates. Brief narrative of experience in the organization of international conferences would helpful, although not critical. On the basis of the preliminary proposals, the Executive Committee will determine a short list of candidates. Shortlisted proposal teams will be asked for additional information, as appropriate, and a final selection will be announced by prior to the convening of PSE 2018.
G.V. Rex Reklaitis
Purdue University