Dear Colleagues,

The Computing & Systems Technology Division (CAST) election will be taking
place from September  5, 2017  to September 18, 2017.   You can cast your
vote online at:

An election announcement has also been posted on the Division's website:

You can review each candidate's biography by clicking on his or her name.
Once you have made your selection(s), remember to click "Vote".
As indicated on the ballot, you will be voting for 1 Second Vice Chair
(2018), 2 Directors (2018-2020), Programming coordinators for CAST Areas
10b, 10c, 10d, 10e. 

You will also be voting for CAST By-laws subject to an approve/not approve Vote.

If you have any problems accessing the ballot, please contact Diane
Cappiella at AIChE at the following email address: [log in to unmask]

Prodromos Daoutidis
Programming Chair, CAST, 2017