Dear Colleagues, ModLife is a European Training Network initiative that brings together 5 leading European universities, 4 global industrial players and 2 SMEs to undertake research and training of next generation professionals in the area of innovative bioprocess-product development, optimization, monitoring, and control for life sciences industries. As part of dissemination and engagement with relevant stakeholders, we at ModLife network are organizing the final ModLife conference, to present, discuss, and exchange the latest developments and progress achieved by the network. The conference aims at gathering researchers, engineers and professionals from academia, life science industries with a passion to advance the engineering and science underpinning product and process development in wider life science industries. We put together an exciting program featuring invited experts from academia and industry as well as featuring work of Modlife researchers. We cordially invite you to participate in the conference. If you are interested, there will be poster presentation opportunities available as well. To this end, you are welcome to submit a one-page-abstract and register on the conference website. We have a maximum of 80 participants in total and we accept on a first come, first served basis. For more details on abstract submission and participation please refer to the conference website: Best regards, Upcoming events: (1)Call for abstracts open for Nordic Process Control Workshop, August 22-23, 2019 DTU Lyngby, Denmark: (2) Invitation to contribute to the special issue of Frontiers Process & Energy Systems Engineering: (3) 11th DTU PhD summer school on Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis 12-16 August,2019: (4)Call for abstracts open Modlife ITN final conference: Advancing Modelling for Optimization, Monitoring and Control in Life Science Industries, May 23-24, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark: Recelty published papers: (1) Dynamic modeling & uncertainty analysis for pharma production - (2) Monte Carlo simulations for monitoring lactic acid bacteria fermentation: (3) A monte Carlo based strategy for optimal working fluid selection for heatpumps- Gürkan Sin Associate Professor PROSYS DTU Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Søltofts Plads Building 227, Room 219 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Direct +45 45252980 Mobile +45 23811148 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><>