You probably already know that the FIPSE-5 conference will take place in June 17, 18 and 19, 2020 at the Knossos Royal Hotel, a five star resort of the Aldemar group, in the island
of Crete, Greece. The resort is located 50 Km east of the Heraklion airport near the city of Hersonissos. This is the location where FIPSE-2 took place. As in the previous 4 FIPSE conferences we look forward to the participation of 50 PSE researchers worldwide,
plus many spouses. Please mark your calendar: Arrivals on June 16 and departures on June 20. Extended stays before
and after the conference will be possible at reduced prices.
Day 1: Intelligent Manufacturing
Chaired by Dr. Kostas Pantelides (PSEnterprise)
First Presentation by Prof. Victor Zavala, (U. of Wisconsin) & Prof. Michael Baldea, (U. of Texas at Austin)
Second Presentation by Dr. Apostolos Georgiou, Senior Engineering Advisor (ExxonMobil) and Dr. Kiran R. Sheth, Distinguished Engineering Associate (ExxonMobil)
Day 2: Machine Learning in PSE
Chaired by Profs. Prodromos Daoutidis (U. of Minnesota) and Jay Lee (KAIST)
First Presentation by Prof. Srinivas Rangarajan, (Lehigh U.
Second Presentation by Dr. Leo Chiang, Associate Technology Director, Dow
Day 3: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Small Molecules,
Chaired by Dr. Jason Mustakis (Pfizer Worldwide R&D)
First Presentation by Dr. Joel M. Hawkins, Sr. Research Fellow, Pfizer Worldwide R&D
Second Presentation by Dr. Salvador García Muñoz, Senior Engineering Advisor, Lilly Research Laboratories
The FIPSE conference series has established itself as the unique venue where unsolved problems and unmet challenges are addressed during the day while the evenings are filled with
ample relaxation, great food and unique seaside scenery under the bright Greek moonlight. In the past, more that 70% of the participants have been accompanied by their spouses. We also have a long list of colleagues who have participated in all five of the
previous conferences.
I hope you and, possibly, your spouse will plan to join us at FIPSE 5.
Christos Georgakis, FIPSE Chair
Systems Research Institute at Tufts University
FIPSE-5 will be held at the breathtaking Aldemar Knossos Royal Hotel, a 5 Star Resort in Hersonissos, Crete. It is located 50 Km east of the Heraklion airport
and can be reached by taxi, rental car or a FIPSE minibus.
The first event will be the Welcome Reception at 8:00 p.m. on June 16.
Each day of the conference is devoted to a single topic of Process Systems Engineering. The three topics and the corresponding leader are selected by the
FIPSE trustees. These day leaders further define the topic and, with the help of the FIPSE trustees, select the invited speakers. The invited two speakers for each day make a 45-minute morning presentation. These presentations focus 65% of their time defining
a few important open research problems that should be addressed by the community in the next 5 to 10 years. In the second half of the morning session, 5-6 short talks are presented participants selected from proposals submitted ahead of the conference. These
talks will be also listed in the conference program. The morning session concludes with some suggestions how to make the afternoon discussions most productive.
In the afternoon session, the participants break into groups of 6-8 members. They discuss further and define in greater detail the open problems of the
day's topic. Each of the groups report back to all participants, and another round of discussions follow where all participants are involved. The day organizer(s) and the two invited speakers, with some help from the graduate students present, keep a record
of what was discussed.
Over the following six months, the day organizer(s) and the invited speakers produce a draft manuscript that describes what was discussed and concluded
at the conference. This draft is circulated among all FIPSE participants for comments and suggestions for improvement, before submission to a leading journal. All who contribute substantial edits become co-authors. This publication aims to inform the general
community and motivate researchers to help solve the defined challenges or to pursue alternative ones.
Comments from past participants here
PLEASE MARK THE DATES: June 17-19, 2020
Systems Research Institute at Tufts University