Dear Colleagues, Nominations are being accepted for all five CAST Division Awards for 2020: • W. David Smith Jr. Graduate Student Paper Award • David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education • Computing Practice Award • Computing in Chemical Engineering Award • CAST Outstanding Young Researcher Award The award nomination form and additional information can be found at: Electronic submission of a single PDF file consisting of the nomination form, nomination letter, CV and supporting letters/information should be sent to the CAST Second Vice-Chair, Martha Grover, by April 15, 2020. Thank you all for your nominations and your contributions to CAST. Best regards, Martha -- Martha Grover Professor Associate Chair for Graduate Studies James Harris Senior Faculty Fellow Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332 (404)894-2878 [log in to unmask] pronouns: she, her, hers