New Paperback Edition Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design Contributed by: James B. Rawlings, [log in to unmask] A paperback edition is now available from Amazon. What's new? In this paperback edition ($85), recent advances in the analysis of Moving Horizon Estimation with bounded disturbances has been included in the revised Chapter~4. The treatment of Stochastic MPC in Chapter 3 was updated, and a new section on solving MPC problems with discrete actuators was added to Chapter 8. A new software release. The updated software enables the solution of all of the examples and exercises in the text requiring numerical calculation. The software is based on the freely available CasADi language, and a high-level set of Octave/Matlab functions, MPCTools, to serve as an interface to CasADi. The software can be downloaded from Nob Hill Publishing ISBN 978-0-9759377-5-4 770 pages paperback US$85