Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit your contributions and proposals for invited sessions to the 13th IFAC Symposium of Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems: DYCOPS 2022
(Formerly DYCOPS-CAB) which will be held in Busan (South Korea) from June 14 to June 17, 2022.
The IFAC Symposium on DYCOPS has a long history initiated in 1986 in Bournemouth (UK). The IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications on Biotechnology (CAB) originated from a series of events that started more than 40 years ago in Dijon
(FR). The overlapping interests in bioprocesses let to the collocation of the two events, and then to their merger into one symposium co-organized by IFAC Technical Committees on Chemical Process Control (TC 6.1) and Biosystems and Bioprocesses (TC 8.4)
DYCOPS 2022 will bring together professionals, theorists, researchers, engineers, and students involved in the broad field of process control engineering, biosystems and bioprocesses, and to explore the latest theoretical developments
as well as control applications in various industries.
Covering both theory and applications, the Symposium will provide an ideal opportunity for presenting new results and developments in:
• Model-based Optimization and Control
• Real-time Optimization, Plant-wide and Distributed Control • Scheduling, Coordination and Optimization • Performance and Fault Monitoring • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Bioreactor Technology • Metabolic Engineering
and Systems Biology • Biopharmaceutical Processes • Environmental and Energy Biosystems
Submission site opens: June, 2021
Submission of draft papers (Tentative): October 15th,2021
Paper Acceptance notification (Tentative): February 4th, 2022
Busan, Korea DYCOPS 2022 will take place in Busan, the second largest city in Korea. Busan is a place where a healthy outdoor lifestyle and a love for art harmonize with an ever-changing scenery of stunning beaches, ancient temples,
and exciting shopping districts.
For more information, please visit: and subscribe for updates.
IFAC Copyright Conditions:
We look forward to seeing you at DYCOPS 2022 in Busan, South Korea.
Best Regards,
National Organizing Committee (NOC) Chairs Jay H. Lee (KAIST-Korea), Jong Min Lee (Seoul National University-Korea),
International Program Committee (IPC) Chairs Luis A. Ricardez-Sandoval (University of Waterloo-Canada), Jesus A. Pico (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia-Spain)
IFAC Secretariat
Schlossplatz 12, A-2361 Laxenburg
Austria, EUROPE
www :
Best Regards,
Luis Ricardez-Sandoval, PhD, Peng
Canada Research Chair (Tier II)
Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering Department
University of Waterloo