During the AIChE Annual Meeting, CAST holds its annual Division meeting.  It is traditional to conduct this meeting as part of the CAST Division Awards Banquet where the winners of the CAST Division Awards are recognized.  This year the meeting/banquet will be held Tuesday, November 9th from 7-9 PM at the Sheraton Back Bay Grand Ballroom.  If you have not already purchased a ticket to the banquet, you can do so when you register for the conference or by contacting AIChE Customer Service ([log in to unmask] or 1.800.242.4363).


In addition to presenting plaques to the award winners, the recipient of the Computing in Chemical Engineering Award usually makes a presentation.  This year’s winner, Claire Adjiman, is unable to attend the conference, so after the award presentations we will instead have time to catch up with our colleagues after two years apart.  However, to provide a forum for Claire to present we will be hosting a virtual awards ceremony on Thursday, November 18th from 10:30 AM – 12 noon ET (CAST Virtual Banquet link).  Please plan to attend to hear Claire’s talk as well as recognize the other award winners.


I look forward to seeing you at one or both of these events!


Matt Bassett, PhD

Corteva Agriscience Laureate

Crop Protection Global Supply Chain Analytics Leader

Providing actionable insights to enhance business performance


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