Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce that Stockholm Optimization Days 2022 will be held next summer at KTH campus in Stockholm, June 16 – 17. This will be the 10th conference in the series, and we are excited to continue
the tradition. More information, and a list of invited speakers are available on the website
The abstract submission system is now open until the deadline of March 21, 2022. Based on the abstracts we will select speakers for contributed talks. We will try to assign all relevant abstracts to oral presentations,
but we might need to assign some to poster presentations. A decision about the presentation format will be given shortly after the deadline.
Registration for the conference will open in the beginning of next year. Our goal is to keep the registration fee low (a few euros or completely free), but we need to charge a fee for the conference dinner. Thanks to
our generous sponsors (Digital Futures, GAMS, H&M Group, MOSEK, RaySearch Laboratories, and Volue), we are able to keep the cost for participating in the conference at a minimum!
Best regards,
Jan on behalf of the organizing committee
Jan Kronqvist
Assistant Professor
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
of Mathematics,
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden