Dear colleagues, I am excited to announce that the 2nd edition of Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours will be released worldwide on Friday (January 7)! This is an updated version of the book with many exciting new bonus chapters. Funded in part by the CAChE corporation, and the recipient of AIChE's David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education, Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours has been developed with the feedback of hundreds of students and professors across North America, including many CAST members. Many NEW items and chapters on advanced skills were added based on CAST member requests, such as: * Automation with Python * Modelling solvent-based CO2 capture systems * Using parallel-computing with Multi-Case or Python * Incorporating derivative-free optimization via Python (with parallel computing!) * Batch Processing features * How do I select the best physical property models for my simulation? Plus all of the original content has been updated for the latest version (V12) of Aspen Plus. Great for professionals, grad and undergrad students, and easily incorporated throughout your curriculum! Find out more at Enjoy! Thomas A. Adams II McMaster University