Hi there,

Inspired by the success of the PASI for PSE workshop series in 2005, 2008, and 2011, we are excited to announce its return at the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Optimization and Data Science for Net-Zero Carbon and Sustainability (PASI 2023) in Buenos Aires, Argentina from May 31st to June 3rd. Conveniently scheduled immediately before the 11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (also located in Buenos Aires), this intensive 4-day short course will give participants the opportunity to learn from leading experts in PSE on addressing international challenges associated with sustainability, climate change, and net-zero carbon processes using advanced approaches in optimization and machine learning. 

We invite interested graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and young researchers to apply at https://pasi2023.org/apply to participate in PASI 2023. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until April 3rd or when we reach our maximum class size, whichever occurs first. Please forward this to your students and anyone else you think would be interested in participating. For more information, please visit https://pasi2023.org and don’t hesitate to contact us at [log in to unmask]


The PASI 2023 Organizing Committee