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This NFLRC professional learning opportunity, offered this past summer and designed specifically for online Mandarin Chinese language teachers, focused on three key areas of teaching Chinese online: 1) Identifying and evaluating resources; 2) Managing and fostering online interaction; and 3) Assessment and feedback.

We’ve divided the three panel sessions up into TED-Ed lessons by interview question, providing you with a quick and easy way to access the particular content you want in the time you have. Resources mentioned in the clips are included in the Dig Deeper sections, and we encourage you to share your own responses to the interview questions in the Discuss sections. Access them here:

And for those who prefer to watch everything all at once, the full video recordings for all 3 panels can be found on our NFLRC YouTube channel:

National Foreign Language Resource Center
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
1890 East-West Road, Moore Hall 256 (**new address**)
Honolulu, HI  96822
Phone: 808-956-9424
Fax: 808-956-5983

NFLRC Facebook page:
NFLRC Twitter page:

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