Hi IEP Students, I am kindly reminding those who participated in the proseminar to give 5 minutes of your time to fill out the feedback form. So far few have done it. We value your feedback because it helps with the planning of the proseminars. It is a quick way for you to communicate with the IEP program administration to contribute to giving direction to the proseminars as part of the program activities. Here is the link once again: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ccyyHHMDw_NSo9QvL8cyak2k-v6sf58doybyz248DZQ/edit The department eagerly awaits your suggestions and feedback. Best regards Pascal You received this email because you are subscribed to the International Education Policy (INTEDUPOL) mailing list. If you would like to unsubscribe from this list, simply send an email to [log in to unmask] with the message signoff INTEDUPOL in the body.